Main Objectives
• We have strategies to make a human resource,that can adopt to our firm culture, a member of the family and allow contribution to continuous development
• Ensuring the management of our human resource in the best way in order to achieve our corporate goals and manage the change culture to be understood by our employees.
• To raise and improve our employee profile continuously
Basic Principles and Responsibilities
- Identify and develop the main HR policies and strategies in line with our strategies.
- Ensuring the spread of basic values.
- Investigating modern practices, activities, sharing information, supporting organisation, applications and improvements, supervising the results and main practices and informing the senior management with their opinions and suggestions.
- Assessing employee engagement, motivation, leadership quality and effectiveness of HR processes.
Performance and Career Management
Our basic principle is to support our employees to do the right job and to be the best in what they do, to provide guidance and to contribute to their business goals and personal development by providing the necessary environment. Different training and development methods such as project studies and rotation are applied by creating the necessary working environments for sharing and dissemination of our knowledge and experiences in teamwork.
Our basic principle is to support our employees to do the right job and to be the best in what they do, to provide guidance and to contribute to their business goals and personal development by providing the necessary environment. Different training and development methods such as project studies and rotation are applied by creating the necessary working environments for sharing and dissemination of our knowledge and experiences in teamwork.
Recruitment our human resources needs are determined in line with our strategic objectives. Recruitment is carried out in accordance with our vision, mission, purpose and principles. In our recruitment process, it is aimed to bring the human resources that will make a difference with their performances, who are open to changes and that can adopt and live our values
Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
The safety and health of our employees and environmental protection are among our priority issues. With this awareness, we take the cooperation of both our managers and our employees. We comply with applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations and the principles of sustainable service. We focus on spreading our company culture with periodic controls and awareness, training on these issues
Wage Management and Benefits
The wages of our employees are determined by taking into account, the inflation rate, the necessity of the business and the market conditions. Our basic principle is to ensure work-wage balance, to differentiate wages according to the performance, to conduct wage researches and to ensure internal justice. The determined wages and benefits are managed in accordance with all laws, regulations and regulations within a certain system.