PC/Server/Pheripheral Maintenance
PC-Server-Periphery Units Maintenance/Support; technical support services given at relevant certain service levels that includes end to end; establishment and running services provided relevant to standards for PC, Server, and periphery products (printer, scanner etc.) existing under customers’ IT infrastructure. Executed as call center and level of service.
PC-Server-Periphery Units Maintenance/Support services are provided under two main groups:
These are the services aiming at providing problem free operation and solving hardware problems emanating at PC, Server and periphery units. Can be given as “including parts” or “excluding parts.”
Dependent on content of the service contract between customer and service provider, under the scope of hardware, maintenance and repair services “Periodic Maintenance” can also be considered.
These services, do not include the support services given to the running operation systems or other software components.
Are the services aiming at solving problems of operation systems that exists over PC, Server and periphery units and services that are coming with these operation systems (package), or faced at their sub applications. Can be delivered at “Remote” or “Onsite.”
These services do not include support services to be delivered to software/applications other than operation systems and hardware components that operation systems run over them.