Mobile Security Systems
Corporate Mobility Management, is described as the set of people, progresses and technologies that focus on managing mobile devices, wireless networks and other mobile data processing services in the body of an enterprise. Corporate Mobility Management gains more ground more and more since the abundance of data processing devices as smartphones and tablets is increasing and the usage of these devise in the work environment is promoted.
The purpose of Corporate Mobility Management is to determine whether the integration of usable mobile IT with work processes and goals is necessary or not and the know-how and how employees will be supported while they are using these devices in the work environment.
Since mobile devices can easily get stolen/lost, the data in these devices are vulnerable. Corporate Mobility Management is a series of systems to protect the unauthorized access to corporate applications and/or corporate data in these devices.
Mobil devices in the companies that follow " Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) policies are usually used for both corporate and personal procedures. In such cases, corporate IT has less sovereignty on whether there are malwares in the device and the damages corporate data.